
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Here at TVC we try to provide

"Inspiration, Information, & Fun"

This page leans more toward the FUN part,

and like everything on TVC, it's FREE.



The new Apple MacOS Sonoma 14.0 has an extremely

simple way to make a website into an app.

SO . . .

we designed a TVC web icon. With the help

of Bravenet, we then added our new icon to the

Village Collector web address, to make it easier

for anyone who would like to try making the APP.


Here's all you have to do . . .

1. Go to The Village Collector's Home page.


2. In the upper left corner of your screen,

click on "FILE" and select "ADD TO DOCK".


3.  A pop-up will ask what you'd like to call it. I use

TVC because it short and doesn't take much room.


That's all! The TVC APP should be on

your dock and work like any other app.


For those without an Apple MacOS Sonoma 14.0 system,

there might be another way to do it. (I don't know).

If there is, here's our app icon for you to use.


It seems that allows you to access

The Village Collector

right from your dock, without even turning on

your browser, and besides that, here at TVC's

"World Headquarters"

we just think it looks cool.


and don't forget to . . . tell your friends.