
Monday, January 1, 2024

Here at The Village Collector, we've added this

page to help spread the word about the

"Global Christmas Village Day"

This year, 2024, will be the 6th Annual Celebration

of all aspects of "Christmas Villages".

It includes towns, villages, Christmas Markets,

and any place that enjoys Christmas villaging.

But, it also includes miniature Christmas Villages

as well. So, that makes as good a reason as

any . . . to PARTY!

Join with us to help spread the word.

This can only help our "villaging passion".

The GCVD is celebrated on the

Second Saturday in November.

This year it will be on

Saturday, November 9, 2024.


We thought this was so neat, that we felt if the

day had a theme song, this is what it should be

Click on the "Headphones" to hear our suggestion.

Be sure to "crank it up" to feel the fun.


How Can You Help?

Clubs? Perhaps a party.

Businesses? How about a sale?

Media? Let people know

Towns, Christmas Markets & Fairs?

Add a mention on your flyers and posters.

and of course . . .

Please tell your friends.

Do you already have something planned for

Global Christmas Village Day?

How about photos of last year's event?

Please include us on your mailing list.

We'll use this page to share as much as we

can. To share your celebration just

Click Here

There's nothing to join, nothing to sign up

for, no fees, costs or donations asked for.

Just share the fun. C'mon, you're a villager . . .

do you really need an excuse to PARTY?


In 2024, The Village Collector will plan the

next edition of VillageFest to coincide with the

Global Christmas Village Day

which will fall on Saturday, November 9, 2024.